Task-Centered User Interface Design
A Practical Introduction
by Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
Copyright ©1993, 1994: Please see the "shareware notice" at the front of the book.
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections |User-testing | Tools | Documentation |

3.1 Working Within Existing Interface Frameworks
3.2 Making Use of Existing Applications
3.3 Copying Interaction Techniques From Other Systems
3.4 When You Need to Invent
3.5 Graphic Design Principles

3.5 Graphic Design Principles

The graphic design of an interface involves decisions about issues such as where to put things on the screen, what size and font if type to use, and what colors will work best. For these questions as for other, more substantive design issues, intelligent borrowing should be your first approach. But that often leaves you with a lot of decisions still to be made. Here are a few principles of graphic design that will not only make your interface more attractive, but will also make it more usable. Each principle is accompanied by a description of WHY it's important, so you'll be able to consider the tradeoffs when there's a conflict between two principles or between a design principle and a borrowed technique.

The Clustering Principle: Organize the screen into visually separate blocks of similar controls, preferably with a title for each block.

"Controls," as we use the word here, include menus, dialog boxes, on-screen buttons, and any other graphic element that allows the user to interact with the computer. Modern WIMP (Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointer) systems are a natural expression of the Clustering Principle. Similar commands should be on the same menu, which places them in close proximity visually and gives them a single title. Large numbers of commands related to a given area of functionality may also show up in a dialog box, again a visually defined block.

But the same principle should apply if you are designing a special control screen with many buttons or displays visible, perhaps a touch-screen interface. The buttons for a given function should be grouped together, then visually delineated by color, or a bounding box, or surrounding space ("white space"). The principle should also be applied within WIMP systems when you design a dialog box: If there is a subgroup of related functions, put them together in the box.

There are two important reasons for the clustering principle. First, it helps users search for the command they need. If you're looking for the "Print setup" menu, it's easier to find if it's in a box or menu with the label "Printer" then if it's one of hundreds of command buttons randomly distributed on the top of the screen. Second, grouping commands together helps the user acquire a conceptual organization for facts about the program. It's useful to know, for example, that Bold, Italic, and Outline are all one kind of font modification, while Times Roman, Palatino, and Courier are another kind. (That distinction, common to most PC-based word processors, doesn't hold for many typesetting systems, where users have to acquire a different conceptual organization.)

The Visibility Reflects Usefulness Principle: Make frequently used controls obvious, visible, and easy to access; conversely, hide or shrink controls that are used less often.

This is a principle that WIMP systems implement with dialog boxes and, in many recent systems, with "toolbars" of icons for frequently used functions. The reasoning behind this principle is that users can quickly search a small set of controls, and if that set contains the most frequently used items, they'll be able to find and use those controls quickly. A more extended search, through dialog boxes, for example, is justified for controls that are used infrequently.

The Intelligent Consistency Principle: Use similar screens for similar functions.

This is similar to intelligent borrowing, but in this case you're borrowing from one part of your design and applying it to another part. The reasoning should be obvious: Once users learn where the controls are on one screen (the "Help" button, for example), they should be able to apply that knowledge to other screens within the same system.

This approach lets you make a concentrated effort to design just a few attractive, workable screens, then modify those slightly for use in other parts of the application.

Be careful to use consistency in a meaningful way, however. Screens shouldn't look alike if they actually do significantly different things. A critical error warning in a real-time system should produce a display that's very different from a help screen or an informational message.

The Color As a Supplement Principle: Don't rely on color to carry information; use it sparingly to emphasize information provided through other means.

Color is much easier to misuse than to use well. Different colors mean different things to different people, and that relationship varies greatly from culture to culture. Red, for example, means danger in the U.S., death in Egypt, and life in India. An additional problem is that some users can't distinguish colors: about 7 percent of all adults have some form of color vision deficiency.

A good principle for most interfaces is to design them in black and white, make sure they are workable, then add minimal color to the final design. Color is certainly useful when a warning or informational message needs to stand out, but be sure to provide additional cues to users who can't perceive the color change.

Unless you're an experienced graphic designer, minimal color is also the best design principle for producing an attractive interface. Try to stick with grays for most of the system, with a small amount of bright color in a logo or a label field to distinguish your product. Remember that many users can -- and frequently do -- revise the color of their windows, highlighting, and other system parameters. Build a product that will work with that user input, not one that fights it.

The Reduced Clutter Principle: Don't put "too much" on the screen.

This loosely defined principle is a good checkpoint to confirm that your design reflects the other principles listed above. If only the most highly used controls are visible, and if controls are grouped into a small number of visual clusters, and if you've used minimal color, then the screen should be graphically attractive.

This is also a good principle to apply for issues that we haven't dealt with specifically. Type size and font, for example: the Reduced Clutter Principle would suggest that one or two type styles are sufficient. Don't try to distinguish each menu by its own font, or work with a large range of sizes. Users typically won't notice the distinction, but they will notice the clutter.

Copyright © 1993,1994 Lewis & Rieman
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections |User-testing | Tools | Documentation |