Task-Centered User Interface Design
A Practical Introduction
by Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
Copyright ©1993, 1994: Please see the "shareware notice" at the front of the book.
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing |Tools | Documentation |

4.1 Cognitive Walkthroughs
        4.1.1 Who should do a walkthrough, and when?
        4.1.2 What's needed before you can do a walkthrough?
        4.1.3 What should you look for during the walkthrough?
        4.1.4 What do you do with the results of the walkthrough?
4.2 Action Analysis
        4.2.1 Formal Action Analysis
        4.2.2 Back-of-the-Envelope Action Analysis
4.3 Heuristic Analysis
4.4 Chapter Summary and Discussion

4.1.3 What should you look for during the walkthrough?

You've defined the task, the users, the interface, and the correct action sequence. You've gathered a group of designers and other interested folk together. Now it's time to actually DO THE WALKTHROUGH.

In doing the walkthrough, you try to tell a story about why the user would select each action in the list of correct actions. And you critique the story to make sure it's believable. We recommend keeping four questions in mind as you critique the story:

   1. Will users be trying to produce whatever effect the action has?
   2. Will users see the control (button, menu, switch, etc.) for the action?
   3. Once users find the control, will they recognize that it produces the effect they want?
   4. After the action is taken, will users understand the feedback they get, so they can go on to the next action with confidence? 

Here are a few examples -- "failure stories" -- of interfaces that illustrate how the four questions apply.

The first question deals with what the user is thinking. Users often aren't thinking what designers expect them to think. For example, one portable computer we've used has a slow-speed mode for its processor, to save battery power. Assume the task is to do some compute-intensive spreadsheet work on this machine, and the first action is to toggle the processor to high-speed mode. Will users be trying to do this? Answer: Very possibly not! Users don't expect computers to have slow and fast modes, so unless the machine actually prompts them to set the option, many users may leave the speed set at its default value -- or at whatever value it happened to get stuck in at the computer store.

The second question concerns the users' ability to locate the control -- not to identify it as the right control, but simply to notice that it exists! Is this often a problem? You bet. Attractive physical packages commonly hide "ugly" controls. One of our favorite examples is an office copier that has many of its buttons hidden under a small door, which has to be pressed down so it will pop up and expose the controls. If the task is, for example, to make double-sided copies, then there's no doubt that users with some copier experience will look for the control that selects that function. The copier in question, in fact, has a clearly visible "help" sheet that tells users which button to push. But the buttons are hidden so well that many users have to ask someone who knows the copier where to find them. Other interfaces that take a hit on this question are graphic interfaces that require the user to hold some combination of keys while clicking or dragging with a mouse, and menu systems that force the users to go through several levels to find an option. Many users will never discover what they're after in these systems without some kind of training or help.

The third question involves identifying the control. Even if the users want to do the right thing and the control is plainly visible, will they realize that this is the control they're after? An early version of a popular word processor had a table function. To insert a new table the user selected a menu item named "Create Table." This was a pretty good control name. But to change the format of the table, the user had to select a menu item called "Format Cells." The designers had made an analogy to spreadsheets, but users weren't thinking of spreadsheets -- they were thinking of tables. They often passed right over the correct menu item, expecting to find something called "Format Table." The problem was exacerbated by the existence of another menu item, "Edit Table," which was used to change the table's size.

Notice that the first three questions interact. Users might not want to do the right thing initially, but an obvious and well labeled control could let them know what needs to be done. A word processor, for example, might need to have a spelling dictionary loaded before the spelling checker could run. Most users probably wouldn't think of doing this. But if a user decided to check spelling and started looking through the menus, a "load spelling dictionary" menu item could lead them to take the right action. Better yet, the "check spelling" menu item could bring up a dialog box that asked for the name of the spelling dictionary to load.

The final question asks about the feedback after the action is performed. Generally, even the simplest actions require some kind of feedback, just to show that the system "noticed" the action: a light appears when a copier button is pushed, an icon highlights when clicked in a graphical interface, etc. But at a deeper level, what the user really needs is evidence that whatever they are trying to do (that "goal" that we identified in the first question) has been done, or at least that progress has been made. Here's an example of an interface where that fails. A popular file compression program lets users pack one or more files into a much smaller file on a personal computer. The program presents a dialog box listing the files in the current directory. The user clicks on each file that should be packed into the smaller file, then, after each file, clicks the "Add" button. But there's no change visible after a file has been added. It stays in the list, and it isn't highlighted or grayed. As a result, the user isn't sure that all the files have been added, so he or she may click on some files again -- which causes them to be packed into the smaller file twice, taking up twice the space!

Copyright © 1993,1994 Lewis & Rieman
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing |Tools | Documentation |