Task-Centered User Interface Design
A Practical Introduction
by Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
Copyright ©1993, 1994: Please see the "shareware notice" at the front of the book.
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing |Tools | Documentation |

4.1 Cognitive Walkthroughs
        4.1.1 Who should do a walkthrough, and when?
        4.1.2 What's needed before you can do a walkthrough?
        4.1.3 What should you look for during the walkthrough?
        4.1.4 What do you do with the results of the walkthrough?
4.2 Action Analysis
        4.2.1 Formal Action Analysis
        4.2.2 Back-of-the-Envelope Action Analysis
4.3 Heuristic Analysis
4.4 Chapter Summary and Discussion

4.3 Heuristic Analysis

Heuristics, also called guidelines, are general principles or rules of thumb that can guide design decisions. As soon as it became obvious that bad interfaces were a problem, people started proposing heuristics for interface design, ranging from short lists of very general platitudes ("be informative") to a list of over a thousand very detailed guidelines dealing with specific items such as menus, command names, and error messages. None of these efforts has been strikingly successful in improving the design process, although they're usually effective for critiquing favorite bad examples of someone else's design. When the short lists are used during the design process, however, a lot of problems get missed; and the long lists are usually too unwieldy to apply. In addition, all heuristics require that an analyst have a fair amount of user interface knowledge to translate the general principles into the specifics of the current situation.

Recently, Jacob Nielsen and Rolf Molich have made a real breakthrough in the use of heuristics. Nielsen and Molich have developed a short list of general heuristics, and more importantly, they've developed and tested a procedure for using them to evaluate a design. We give the details of that procedure below, but first we want to say something about why heuristics, which are not necessarily a task-oriented evaluation technique, can be an important part of task- centered design.

The other two evaluation methods described in this chapter, the cognitive walkthrough and action analysis, are task- oriented. That is, they evaluate an interface as applied to a specific task that a user would be doing with the interface. User testing, discussed in chapter 6, is also task oriented. Task-oriented evaluations have some real advantages. They focus on interface problems that occur during work the user would actually be doing, and they give some idea of the importance of the problems in the context of the job. Many of the problems they reveal would only be visible as part of the sequence of actions needed to complete the task. But task-oriented evaluations also have some shortcomings. The first shortcoming is coverage: There's almost never time to evaluate every task a user would perform, so some action sequences and often some controls aren't evaluated. The second shortcoming is in identifying cross-task interactions. Each task is evaluated standing alone, so task-oriented evaluations won't reveal problems such as command names or dialog-box layouts that are done one way in one task, another way in another.

Task-free evaluation methods are important for catching problems that task-oriented methods miss. Both approaches should be used as the interface develops. Now, here's how the heuristic analysis approach works.

Nielsen and Molich used their own experience to identify nine general heuristics (see table, below), which, as they noted, are implicit or explicit in almost all the lists of guidelines that have been suggested for HCI. Then they developed a procedure for applying their heuristics. The procedure is based on the observation that no single evaluator will find every problem with an interface, and different evaluators will often find different problems. So the procedure for heuristic analysis is this: Have several evaluators use the nine heuristics to identify problems with the interface, analyzing either a prototype or a paper description of the design. Each evaluator should do the analysis alone. Then combine the problems identified by the individual evaluators into a single list. Combining the individual results might be done by a single usability expert, but it's often useful to do this as a group activity.

Table: Nielsen and Molich's Nine Heuristics

The procedure works. Nielsen and Molich have shown that the combined list of interface problems includes many more problems than any single evaluator would identify, and with just a few evaluators it includes most of the major problems with the interface. Major problems, here, are problems that confuse users or cause them to make errors. The list will also include less critical problems that only slow or inconvenience the user.

How many evaluators are needed to make the analysis work? That depends on how knowledgeable the evaluators are. If the evaluators are experienced interface experts, then 3 to 5 evaluators can catch all of the "heuristically identifiable" major problems, and they can catch 75 percent of the total heuristically identifiable problems. (We'll explain what "heuristically identifiable" means in a moment.) These experts might be people who've worked in interface design and evaluation for several years, or who have several years of graduate training in the area. For evaluators who are also specialists in the specific domain of the interface (for example, graphic interfaces, or voice interfaces, or automated teller interfaces), the same results can probably be achieved with 2 to 3 evaluators. On the other hand, if the evaluators have no interface training or expertise, it might take as many as 15 of them to find 75 percent of the problems; 5 of these novice evaluators might find only 50 percent of the problems.

We need to caution here that when we say "all" or "75 percent" or "50 percent," we're talking only about "heuristically identifiable" problems. That is, problems with the interface that actually violate one of the nine heuristics. What's gained by combining several evaluator's results is an increased assurance that if a problem can be identified with the heuristics, then it will be. But there may still be problems that the heuristics themselves miss. Those problems might show up with some other evaluation method, such as user testing or a more task-oriented analysis.

Also, all the numbers are averages of past results, not promises. Your results will vary with the interface and with the evaluators. But even with these caveats, the take-home message is still very positive: Individual heuristic evaluations of an interface, performed by 3 to 5 people with some expertise in interface design, will locate a significant number of the major problems.

To give you a better idea of how Nielsen and Molich's nine heuristics apply, one of the authors has done a heuristic evaluation of the Macintosh background printing controls (see Box).

Example: One Evaluator's Heuristic Analysis of the Mac Background Printing Controls

Remember, for an effective heuristic analysis, SEVERAL evaluators should check out the interface independently and combine their notes into a single problem list.

Since heuristic analysis is usually a task-free approach, the Mac background printing controls would probably be presented to the evaluator as part of an overall description of the Chooser, or perhaps of the Mac system interface as a whole. If just the Chooser were being checked, the design description might specify how the dialog box would be brought up through the Apple menu (shown in Steps 1 and 2) and it might have sketches of how the box would look before and after a printer was specified (shown in Steps 3 and 4). It would also give some description of how to use the controls in the dialog box.

Here's my evaluation. This piece of the interface is small enough that I can just go through the nine heuristics one at a time and look for possible problems anywhere in the design. (For a larger design, I might want to step through the nine heuristics several times, once for each manageable chunk of the interface.)

The first heuristic is "simple and natural dialog." OK, the idea of this design seems to be that I select what kind of printer I'm going to use, then specify some options. I guess that will work, but why do I have to select the kind of printer and say which one? Couldn't I tell it which one and let the system figure out whether it's a laser or dot-matrix printer?

Second heuristic: "speak the user's language." I can see an effort to do this. They've called it the "Chooser" instead of "Output options." But an even better name might be "Printer" -- parallel to "Alarm Clock" and "Calculator." I don't know what "Appletalk" is, though. Is there some more common name for this? And why don't the printers have names like "central office" or "library," indicating where they are?

Heuristic: "Minimize user memory load." This heuristic primarily applies to things the user has to notice in one step and remember one or more steps later. Everything stays pretty visible here, so the memory load is low. But I do have to remember what kind of printer I'm using and what its name is.

Heuristic: "Be consistent." I don't think I've seen a scrolling list of clickable icons in any other dialog box. Do the icons add anything here? Maybe there should just be a scrolling list of text entries.

Heuristic: "Provide feedback." Design seems good to me. Something happens whenever I do anything. Of course, there's no evidence of what I've done after the dialog box goes away. But that seems OK here. I don't mind having some options set "behind the scenes," as long as I can check them whenever I want.

Heuristic: "Provide clearly marked exits." Well, looking at the dialog box, I see that it has a "close box" in the upper left. I kind of expect an "OK" and a "Cancel" button in a dialog box. Maybe I should have noted this under consistency with the rest of the interface? Anyway, it might confuse some people.

Heuristic: "Provide shortcuts." I suppose the usual Mac menu-selection shortcuts work -- like typing "M" to select "Mary's" printer." Should there be other shortcuts? I dunno. Depends on whether people need to do something really often, like toggling AppleTalk or Background printing. Need some more task analysis here.

Heuristic: "Good error messages." Current design doesn't describe any error messages. I guess I'd like users to get an error if they selected a printer that wasn't connected to the computer. Need to check on that. Also, what if they turn off background printing while something is in the queue?

Heuristic: "Prevent errors." Same comments as for error messages, except it would be better if the user wasn't given options that wouldn't work. So if there isn't an ImageWriter connected, they shouldn't be able to select it -- it should probably be grayed out, or not there at all.


Based on what I've noticed in the heuristic analysis, I'd like to see some changes. I'd want the menu item to be called "Printer," and I'd want the dialog box to give me a list of currently available printer locations to choose from. The system should figure out what kind of printer it is. Also, I'd use an "OK" and a "Cancel" button instead of a window close box.

(Some discussion with the designers would probably raise the point that selecting a printer type effects how a document is formatted, even if a printer isn't connected. I'd have to argue that this really isn't "speaking the user's language." I think most users would expect to find formatting options under the format menu in the application.)

Credits and Pointers: Heuristic Analysis

The heuristic analysis technique was developed by Jacob Nielsen and Rolf Molich. Tests of the technique's effectiveness are described in:

More detailed descriptions of the nine heuristics are given in:

Copyright © 1993,1994 Lewis & Rieman
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing |Tools | Documentation |