Task-Centered User Interface Design
A Practical Introduction
by Clayton Lewis and John Rieman
Copyright ©1993, 1994: Please see the "shareware notice" at the front of the book.
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing | Tools |Documentation |

5.1 Choosing Users to Test
5.2 Selecting Tasks for Testing
5.3 Providing a System for Test Users to Use
5.4 Deciding What Data to Collect
5.5 The Thinking Aloud Method
        5.5.1 Instructions
        5.5.2 The Role of the Observer
        5.5.3 Recording
        5.5.4 Summarizing the Data
        5.5.5 Using the Results
5.6 Measuring Bottom-Line Usability
        5.6.1 Analyzing the Bottom-Line Numbers
        5.6.2 Comparing Two Design Alternatives
5.7 Details of Setting Up a Usability Study
        5.7.1 Choosing the Order of Test Tasks
        5.7.2 Training Test Users
        5.7.3 The Pilot Study
        5.7.4 What If Someone Doesn't Complete a Task?
        5.7.5 Keeping Variability Down
        5.7.6 Debriefing Test Users

5.4 Deciding What Data to Collect

Now that we have people, tasks, and a system, we have to figure out what information to gather. It's useful to distinguish PROCESS DATA from BOTTOM-LINE data. Process data are observations of what the test users are doing and thinking as they work through the tasks. These observations tell us what is happening step-by-step, and, we hope, suggests WHY it is happening. Bottom-line data give us a summary of WHAT happened: how long did users take, were they successful, how many errors did they make.

It may seem that bottom-line data are what you want. If you think of testing as telling you how good your interface is, it seems that how long users are taking on the tasks, and how successful they are, is just what you want to know.

We argue that process data are actually the data to focus on first. There's a role for bottom-line data, as we discuss in connection with Usability Measurement below. But as a designer you will mostly be concerned with process data. To see why, consider the following not-so-hypothetical comparison.

Suppose you have designed an interface for a situation in which you figure users should be able to complete a particular test task in about a half-hour. You do a test in which you focus on bottom-line data. You find that none of your test users was able to get the job done in less than an hour. You know you are in trouble, but what are you going to do about it? Now suppose instead you got detailed records of what the users actually did. You see that their whole approach to the task was mistaken, because they didn't use the frammis reduction operations presented on the third screen. Now you know where your redesign effort needs to go.

We can extend this example to make a further point about the information you need as a designer. You know people weren't using frammis reduction, but do you know why? It could be that they understood perfectly well the importance of frammis reduction, but they didn't understand the screen on which these operations were presented. Or it could be that the frammis reduction screen was crystal clear but they didn't think frammis reduction was relevant.

Depending on what you decide here, you either need to fix up the frammis reduction screen, because it isn't clear, or you have a problem somewhere else. But you can't decide just from knowing that people didn't use frammis reduction.

To get the why information you really want, you need to know what users are thinking, not just what they are doing. That's the focus of the thinking-aloud method, the first testing technique we'll discuss.

Copyright © 1993,1994 Lewis & Rieman
Contents | Foreword | ProcessUsers&Tasks | Design | Inspections | User-testing | Tools |Documentation |